Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

I can't believe it is March. It seems that just yesterday it was January. I am sorry I haven't updated the blog lately. I have been busy, busy, busy!!!. Have you ever been so busy that you just simply lose time.

I had an epiphany the other day about busyness. A couple of young kids ran off the road into my front yard. It was late on a saturday night and it had been raining all day. Needless to say it was soggy in my front yard. I went out and tried to help these two kids get their car out of my yard. So I got behind and tried to push and the driver got in and tried to drive. He went no where.

No don't get me wrong. We were workin' hard. I was pushing as hard as I could push and he was mashin' the gas pedal as hard as he could mash it. The engine was working hard too. The pistons were pumpin' and gears were turning. Tires were spinning and spinning and just digging deeper and deeper. We were busy, busy, busy, but getting nowhere!!!

After we finally called somone to come tow them out and I was sittin' in my "lazy" chair wondering if I would have a heart attack from all that pushin', I had a thought. Here it is: My life has been like that car stuck in the mud. I have been busy, busy, busy. Pushin' and workin'. I have had my time fully occupied. I have wasted very little. But when I looked back on the last several weeks I had gotten nowhere. I had just dug deeper ruts. I needed someone to pull me out cause I was stuck and getting nowhere fast!

Let me just share this scripture thought with you. Jesus said in John 15:5 ( I know I have already used this one, but I just can't get away from this thought!) "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, BEARS MUCH FRUIT; for without Me you can do nothing." NKJV (Emphasis Mine)

Now there is nothing wrong with working hard, but what this verse tells me is that much of what I call work is just busyness. This Scripture says that whoever "Abides" or resides in or rests in Jesus will be productive.

So I ask myself, am I producing fruit or just digging ruts? Am I abiding in Christ or just spinning my wheels trying to look busy?

So what about you? Are you productive or just busy?

That's my thought for today. Think about that for a bit and I bet it will change your life because it has mine.

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Bro. Chad