WOW! Life is full of changes! These last few months for me have been truly hectic. Our family has been dealing with the possibility of changes. I have come to discover that although I always said I like change, I had no idea what I was talking about. Change is scary. There are a lot of unknowns. I guess that is why they call it change.
God has been dealing with me and my family about a ministry change. He has been calling us to a new ministry field. I think He has been trying to wake me up for some time now, but because I like the status quo, I wasn't listening.
He finally got my attention. An old college professor of mine used to say, "You can do things in life 1 of 2 ways: (1) You can do things God's Way or (2) You can do things God's Way." The truth is God's Will is going to be accomplished. Our choice really is the easy way or the hard way. Unfortunately I usually choose the hard way. You might think I would get smarter with time, but I don't and the truth is, if you are honest with yourself, neither do you.
Anyway, at the beginning of this month we were called to a new pastorate. In a new town, in a new county, a little bit further from where my wife and I have grown up. CHANGE!!!
It was difficult to tell the church I now serve that I was leaving. We have been with them for 8 years. But as I was preaching a message I thought was for them on Sunday, I realized it was for me and my family. Let me share the text with you: Isaiah 55:4-5. I want to point you to verse 5 , this is the part that really spoke to me, because we have been really scared and nervous.
Verse 5 of Isaiah 55 says: "Surely you shall call a nation you do not know, and nations who do not know you shall run to you, because of the LORD your God, And the Holy One of Israel; For He has glorified you." (NKJV)
Let me just share how the Lord spoke to me and maybe he will speak to you. This verse comes just after the invitation to come to the Lord to find satisfaction. I believe this is the great commission of the Old Testament. Not only is this invitation to Come, buy an eat for us here in America or for the children of the nation of Israel (in proper context) but it is for an entire world totally unknown to the people of Israel at that time.
Isaiah 55 comes after Isaiah 53, God's great revelation of His redemptive plan in Christ. Given some 700 years before hand. God's plan for world wide missions will be accomplished in/by/through Jesus.
Now that is the proper context, this is how I related it to me. My family is being asked to go to a "a nation we do not know" to a people "we do not know". This is a new town in a new county. Now for many of you that is no big deal, but for my wife and I we grew up and have lived in the same county in Missouri our whole lives. This is a big deal for us.
It was as if God said to me, I am sending you here to these people and even though you have no idea about them or the city, I am sending you and these people whom you don't know and don't know me will come to me, because of me (the Lord your God)!
Now change is not so bad. It is still scary, but God has confirmed this is His plan. And do you know what I have found out? God's plan ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS is best!
So what Change is God calling you to make? Don't be afraid! Change, it will be OK.
By His Grace and For His Glory,
Bro. Chad
Friday, April 18, 2008
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